NURSERY school children are being forced to walk in the road because of the amount of dog fouling on the pavements in Blockley.

Teachers at the nursery school say that on short walks around the village they encounter huge amounts of dog mess on paths, on the playing field and in the churchyard.

"It's very unpleasant when you have to keep cleaning shoes. We look after children between the ages of nine months and five years. We have to constantly watch where they are walking because the problem is all over, even in the playing field. We just want dog owners to be more considerate and think about other people," said nursery school head Ruth Lamb.

Mrs Lamb said they like to take the children out for short walks for exercise and enjoyment but the irresponsible actions of a few dog owners are spoiling the environment for everyone.

"I appreciate that most of the dog owners in the village clear up after their pets but there are obviously some who don't or perhaps let their dogs off the lead and do not see where they foul

The nursery has made placards and posters to appeal to dog owners' better nature and encourage them to clean up after their pets because it is not only disgusting to get it on shoes and clothes, but also a health hazard if it is accidentally ingested.

"Blockley folk are disgusted with all the mess. Someone has even displayed a poster in the shop showing a dog trying to use a dustpan and brush," said resident Sheila Weir.

Mrs Weir said she had been told that on one outing alone the nursery children encountered 15 lots of dog mess that they had to walk around to avoid.

"It is even in the churchyard and I have seen dog fouling on some of the graves," she added.

Cotswold District Council's environmental health department said they patrol when they are in the area and will stencil pavements in problem dog fouling areas to let dog owners know the authority is aware some mess is not being collected. Officers will also give talks to primary schools on littering and dog fouling.